Larisa is born in 1985 in Russia. For a long time she lived and worked in Moscow, as a leading fashion designer.

In her art she turns to experiment ceramic technique with textures and variety of forms. In her works Larisa reflects urban space, reality, spirit of the time, streets of old neighborhoods, street art, train stations and walls.
Lives and works in Armenia today.
The project is based on street art and street walls of the cities. On these walls, which we pass by every day, you can see a reflection of the modern society. These walls are the reality we are living nowadays, these are the winds of time, thoughts, news, predictions, prayers, curses, poetry, paintings, questions… The walls are constantly being painted, painted over, repainted. They can be touched by the hand of an artist, city administration, or a simple passerby. Thick layers of plaster and paint crack and fall off in different places revealing the past and the present.

To reproduce this effect of layers on the body of the vase made of clay a certain amount of porcelain, glazes and engobes shall be put on the vase respecting a particular sequence. All this imitates drawings, graffiti, inscriptions, and paint in order to showcase the street object. We should not turn away from the walls, we should discuss them. In various forms. And I want to remind people of the existence of walls, the existence of a society that cannot be painted over.