Lora is born in 1985 in Russia. For a long time she lived and worked in Moscow, as a leading fashion designer.

In her art she turns to experiment ceramic technique with textures and variety of forms. In her works Lora reflects urban space, reality, spirit of the time, streets of old neighborhoods, street art, train stations and walls.
Lives and works in Armenia today.
In her works Lora Zyuzina explores the subject of freedom of speech, self-restriction and restriction imposed by the state. Lora's research spans across the themes of need of self-defining and self-expression through hiding identity via the street art.

Lora herself has never practiced street art, however it has always been a tool of visual archeology — prosopography in the reality that surrounds her. She has always considered this type of art as an encrypted message of urban life, where her personal stories as well as events happening in society can be hidden.